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Business Automation Complex Solutions

Link Company was founded in 1997 and is a leader in complex accounting and business management automation solutions.

During our 27 years of experience, we have developed more than 100 sector solutions for enterprises of various profiles, which are implemented in more than 2200 organizations across Armenia.


We are always happy to help

Call us and we will be glad to select the solution, meeting Your problems.

Additional services

Предоставляем широком спектре услуг по обучению, внедрению, модификации и адаптации программных продуктов под деятельность компаний. EN
Microsoft SQL Server installation and setup for the operation with 1C:Enterprise
from 25 000 AMD.
OC Microsoft Windows Server installation and setup
from 20 000 AMD.
Installation of cluster server type of 1C Enterprise platform
from 20 000 AMD.
WEB-Server setup for the operation with 1C:Enterprise
from 10 000 AMD.
Terminal server installation and setup for the operation with 1C:Enterprise
from 10 000 AMD.
User workstation setup for the operation 1C:Enterprise in the terminal regime
from 3 000 AMD.
User workstation setup for the operation of 1C:Enterprise with SQL server
from 3 000 AMD.
Program reinstallation
from 18 000 AMD.
Network engineer works (cost for an hours)
from 15 000 AMD.
Service visit of the network engineer
from 7 000 AMD.
Express survey of computer network
from 20 000 AMD.
Installation of Windows (7,8.10) and standard office pack. Windows update
from 6 000 AMD.
Консультативные услуги
from 24 000 AMD.